Frozen hands, holiday pictures, and more cookies.

Yesterday morning, I headed outside for a 7 mile run. I was not prepared for how cold it was…I did manage to wear 5 different colors though.

My body felt great and the 7 miles felt easy (I held an 8:12 pace), but my hands were freezing. I was wearing gloves that I thought were warm, but my hands were swollen and in extreme pain when I finished. I hope Santa brings me warmer running gloves. πŸ˜‰

At 10 am, we all headed to a local park for a quick (and chilly) holiday photo shoot. My friend is a local photographer who does 15 minute mini shoots and it was the perfect thing for us. I’m excited to see how they turn out!

The rest of the day was spent relaxing (and eating!) with my mom and AB. We went to one of our favorite local spots for dinner, Cracker Barrel, and came home to enjoy some Starbucks and Girl Scout cookies.

Instagram: lindarunning4two

Annabelle fell asleep at 6:15 pm. This is super early for her and I was afraid she would wake up at 3 am.

PS I’m happy to report that she slept until 6:45! Happy mommy and baby.

The rest of the night was spent watching Love it or List It and snuggling with Molly. πŸ™‚

Time to fit in a quick workout (hopefully) before heading to the Ravens game to freeze to death cheer on our team!

Happy Sunday!

Do you like cold weather running?
What kind of gloves do you have?


  1. I don’t mind running in cold weather as long as I am wearing the right clothes.
    I have gloves from Road Runner Sports and they are awesome! They keep my hands warm and I can also use my phone/ipod while wearing them πŸ™‚

    Karen @karenlovestorun

    • I agree…I don’t mind it if I’m dressed properly! Your gloves sound amazing…I def need a pair that I don’t have to take off to use my phone. Have a great Sunday Karen!

      Sent from my iPhone


  2. Cold weather isn’t my problem…its the wind! Ugh! I also need a better pair of gloves. Might look today at store when i pick up my Turkey Trot race packet πŸ™‚

  3. I don’t particularly care for cold weather….I need to dress appropriately though….I just basic gloves and the are pretty warm. Nothing fancy! I could stand to get a new pair though!!

    Have a great day and stay warmπŸ˜€!!!

  4. I love cold weather running, but after this morning’s run in 20 degree weather, my fingers were freezing, in pain and eventually became numb by the end of the run…so i am currently in desperate search of new running gloves! I hope you find some, and keep us updated if you find a good pair!

  5. I actually can’t use gloves when I run, I prefer mittens… the heat stays in better and all the fingers share it:)

  6. Right now I’m using the gloves we got from Running Skirts! Actually I end up taking them off half way through my run anyway. I usually wait till the warmest part of the day to run ( about noon) so it hasn’t been that bad yet. I think today was really the start of the coldness around here ( so I may be re-evaluating what I wear to run). Hope you had a pleasant time at the Ravens game! ~M

    • Hey Meranda! I’ve been using my running skirts gloves a lot too, but now that it had turned super cold, they aren’t cutting it for me anymore. Running in the warmest part of the day really helps, that’s a good idea :-). Thanks! We had a nice time and I’m finally thawed out!

      Sent from my iPhone


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