Follow these 5 tips to have the best Thanksgiving ever!!

  1. Get in a morning workout!  I read that Thanksgiving has become the most popular holiday to run a race, so get out there and sign up for a Turkey Trot.  I find that when I get in a good run/workout, I digest my food quickly and I am hungry more often.  On Thanksgiving, this is immensely important as I intend to eat a few helpings.  I’m running the Y of Central Maryland Turkey Trot Towson! 

If you don’t have a lot of time, try this short but powerful workout that you can do in your own home.

Turkey Day Workout

AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 25 minutes

  • 50 jumping jacks
  • 25 high knees
  • 10 walking pushups (or regular ones or on your knees J)
  • 15 burpees
  • 30 sit-ups
  • 30 tricep dips (I use my coffee table)

NOTE:  Please feel free to modify the number of reps and the total time as you see fit.  Just make sure that you get your heart rate up and that you feel challenged.  🙂

  1. Eat breakfast!  I can understand the “don’t eat now so I can eat more later” logic, but this will back fire on Thanksgiving.  Eat something healthy in the morning, such as eggs and toast or oatmeal and fruit, so that you are not famished by the time the main even happens.  This will allow you to make smarter choices and you won’t eat everything in sight because you are starving.  PS You will probably still eat everything in sight because it is Thanksgiving!                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
  2. Dress appropriately!  Proper attire includes:  spandex, sweatpants, and elastic.  If you happen to have maternity pants around, go with those.  J  The more room you have for expansion, the better!  Our day involves lots of food, board games, and football watching and all of those activities are best performed in sweats…or at least loose fitting pants.  Don’t get this comforable though!20131109-212235.jpg 
  3. Strategize!  the landscape and make a game plan.  I don’t like to have all of my food touching, so I really have to work some magic when filling my plate.  I try to have a little bit of   everything I like in the first round and the second round is saved for another helping of the “best of the best” dishes.  No need to strategize for dessert…I’m having one of each and that is a fact (unless it involves coconut). 
  4. Give thanks!  Sit back and relax today, spend time with your family, enjoy your dinner, and really be thankful for all that you have.  Give thanks for all the blessings in your life and do something nice for those less fortunate.  So many people are facing true struggles and even a smile or a quick hello can make someone’s day.     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Strategize! SurveyGive I am so thankful for this little girl.



What are you doing tonight?  Please tell me!!!  🙂 Cooking?  Watching movies?

What are you eating tonight?  I hear it’s one of the biggest pizza ordering nights of the year!

A long rainy commute

I woke up bright and early (4:30) yesterday to beat the potential wintry weather. The “weather” didn’t start until later in the day and it only ended up being rain…lots of cold windy rain.

Breakfast! Lemon Zest Luna Bar

I’ve been on a lemon kick lately…if you haven’t tried these yet, do so immediately.


Workout! Body pump class and 2 easy miles on the treadmill. I had one of those really good classes…heart rate up, sweaty, and fun!

Lunch! Almond butter and strawberry preserves sandwich, yogurt, and yogurt covered raisins (I ate these as a snack later).

Commute! I spent some quality time with my car yesterday. I left work at 4 and got home a little after 6. Thankfully, I had yogurt covered raisins to keep me occupied.

Dinner! I picked up Subway for me and my dad. I really didn’t want to get out of the car.


I’m addicted to bags of all kinds and my new Thirty One Weekender bag came yesterday. It’s super cute and very roomy. 🙂


Are you addicted to buying anything? Purses? Shoes? Running clothing? All of the above??