An awesome wedding overlooking the Chesapeake Bay.

Yesterday morning while I packed  and got things ready for our night away (we spent the night in Annapolis for my dear friend Gina’s wedding), Annabelle tired herself out in the rainforest.


I ate breakfast (flax waffle with almond butter, bananas, and blueberries) and headed to the gym for a quick workout.  I did 40 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the stair climber, 50 pushups, and 50 crunches.


I dressed Annabelle in an outfit that would make her Granses happy.  It was really hard to leave her for the night…but it was fun to spend time with Chris and some great friends.



Gina and Chad’s wedding was absolutely wonderful!

Beautiful setting!

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Awesome food!

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The most beautiful bride and handsome groom!  Gina is such a great person and an awesome runner and I am so glad she found the love of her life!  Congrats Gina and Chad!

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We had an awesome time.  🙂


What do you think?

Have you attended any weddings lately?

Do you hit the dance floor?